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This is a MAC programme

Export your GEDCOM version 5.5 in unicode and send to use.

need more help contact us contact@familytreeprinting.co.uk 

or create a PDF

The following information is from the makers of Reunion.

To do this - Open or create the chart in Reunion, and click on the Chart window to ensure it is "in front" (it has focus). Then, select File -> Print from the main menu-bar at the top of the computer screen. In the Print window that appears, click the "PDF" button at the bottom left, and select "Save As PDF..." - this will allow you to save the chart as a PDF file.

You need to ensure that it has saved a one page PDF which may involve changing your page set up as follows :

Open/Create your chart in Reunion and select File -> Page Setup...<?/x-tad-bigger>

<?x-tad-bigger>From the Paper Size drop-down, select "Manage Custom Sizes" - rename Untitled (in the list on the left) to something you will recognize (click on it twice), then Modify the Page Size settings so that they are large enough to fit the entire chart. You may need to play with this setting in order to get it to the right size.

<?x-tad-bigger>Once the Page Size is set, click OK, then select the newly created size in the Paper Size: drop-down menu. Click OK on the Page Setup window.<?/x-tad-bigger>

<?x-tad-bigger>Now, generate the PDF as before - it should create one large page, as long as the settings are appropriate. If not, tweak the settings and repeat. <?/x-tad-bigger>

Earlier versions (written for OS 9) don't have this functionality (actually, OS 9 doesn't have it - File -> Print is an OS X function). The only way to generate a PDF from a chart in earlier versions is to use a program called PrintToPDF: http://www.jwwalker.com/pages/pdf.html
Incidentally, this also applies to Reunion 8 running under OS 9 or earlier - only OS X provides the options mentioned in the first paragraph.

Send your file and full instructions to

Family Tree Printing, PO Box 2420, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3DX, United Kingdom

Current prices are shown on the web site at  Printing Prices if you are not sure send the file and we will confirm the price to you. 

Phone : 020 7060 1849 

E.Mail contact@familytreeprinting.co.uk 

Remember we offer you a prompt, efficient, good quality printing service at affordable prices and are never knowingly beaten on price.

Copyright © 2005 Family Tree Printing .co.uk
Last modified: 8th March 2013