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Custom made charts really covers any chart that is not produced at the press of a button by a standard genealogy programme (for which we do not have a chart building cost) for this service I charge an hourly rate. 

For Personalised Chart Building, I can make charts to meet most requirements (some restrictions limitations apply), they could be - one or more family trees merged into a single chart - family trees edited to include only those relatives that you require or with different branches in different colours - a family photo tree or basically whatever you would like to achieve.

The chart building is achieved by importing your data from a Gedcom file normally a branch at a time and then linking them together. This method produces a more compact chart than most Genealogy Programmes and allows me to deal with inter marriages within families and all the other complications that often throw the standard programmes. It does take a bit of time but my experience allows me to do it much more quickly that you would. I can also remove any people that you do not want shown on your chart.

You will receive a pdf (securely and permanently locked) or a printed version sent out folded (to keep your cost down) if required of the chart to view and approve before any printing is done.

How to get your chart printed from Ancestry

How to get your chart printed from Genes Reunited

How to export a GEDCOM File from Family Tree Maker FTM Gedcom export

How to export a Gedcom File from The My Heritage online Tree My Heritage Gedcom

The object is to ensure that you get the chart that you want rather than what a genealogy programme wants you to have.

As an example ( please note the pictures below are examples of layout only - the data is obscured to protect customers information)






This is a straight ancestor chart going back up the branches from one person had more information been available each of the wives branches would also be followed


This is the same ancestor chart with the descendants of our chosen person added


This is a descendant chart coming from the oldest ancestor downwards through all the branches

This is the same chart as above but just following the direct family line rather than including all the cousins etc..

It is possible to include almost any combination of relatives that you require and further examples are lower down on this page as I said before our object is to ensure that you get the chart that you want rather than what a genealogy programme wants you to have.

Charts will be priced according to the amount of work involved so please contact me with your requirements and I will try to meet them at a reasonable price.

I am even happy to build charts for your pets (see picture below)

I am happy to undertake the conversion of your paper records into Charts or a Gedcom file that you can use at a later stage for a computer programme. If you are interested in this service please contact me for a quote

Sample charts: (these are only to give you an idea of the possible layouts the information is deliberately obscured to protect my customers data they have however all given permission for the layouts to be shown)

Several Linked Families

Several Linked Families with pictures

One of my Blank Charts with your data in computer script

Computer imported data on one of my Blank Charts                                   Pet Pedigree with Pictures


Some of my Recent Charts for Customers to show what can be done I will work to your requirements

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Last modified: 29th September 2020