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If you would like your chart printed you will need to export it as a GEDCOM file and send that to us. You need then to follow the instructions for GEDCOM,   GEDCOM is an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, is a  specification for exchanging genealogical data between different  genealogical systems. It was developed by The Church of the Later Day Saints as an aid in their extensive genealogical research. A GEDCOM  file is plain text containing records for each  individual in the  family tree, and data linking these records together. Most (if not all) genealogy software supports  importing from and/or exporting to GEDCOM format. You will normally find the import/export facility under the file menu in most programmes.  It is a data transfer not a picture transfer format

Exporting GEDCOMs  

It is possible to export a copy of your Genes Reunited tree as a GEDCOM file. You can do this by clicking on the Family Tree button at the top of your homepage, then selecting GEDCOMs from the drop-down menu. Select 'export GEDCOM' from the green box to the left of the page. You can then click on 'export GEDCOM' and a copy of your tree will be emailed to you within a few minutes. The file is sent as an attachment from the email address noreply@genesreunited.com. Please make sure that your email provider allows attachments and will allow emails from the above address.

 As soon as the file has been exported it will be sent to your registered email address. Please make sure this is correct by clicking on My Account in the top right hand corner of the site.

 Even if you do not currently have a software package you can still export your file. However, in order to view it you will need the software to view it. There are various packages available to buy on the market. (see Help/Links above) There are also internet sites where you can download packages for free.  

Once you have exported your file you can save it to a CD/DVD or a USB Memory stick. To save it externally you must first save it on your PC. You can then copy the file to your CD/DVD or memory stick. It will be saved as a GEDCOM.  

You now need to send me  a copy of  that file either on a disk , memory stick or as an e.mail attachment along with full instructions as to the type of chart that you would like (Ancestor, Descendant, All relatives etc) what style of font you would like and any other instructions.  

I  will compile a chart and then either send you a draft copy or a PDF file for your approval before final printing.  

If you have any questions just give me a ring and I  will try to answer them.

Please see Chart Building for options available from your GEDCOM

Send your file and full instructions to

Family Tree Printing, New House Farm, Rusper Road, Newdigate, Surrey RH5 5BX, United Kingdom

Current prices are shown on the web site at  Printing Prices if you are not sure send the file and we will confirm the price to you. 

Phone : 07873 132232 

E.Mail contact@familytreeprinting.co.uk 

Remember I offer you a prompt, efficient, good quality printing service at affordable prices and are never knowingly beaten on price. 

Copyright © 2020 Family Tree Printing.co.uk
Last modified: 19th August 2020