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This programme produces a good Descendant Chart, the unfortunate part is that it is not easy to build it, save it and send it for printing. 

On the descendant Tree chart or the Box chart you can pick Size at the top to see the size (how many sheets of paper it will take),
To output to a PDF file, you will need a PDF driver.  You can get a free one from www.pdf995.com
Then in BK pick File, Printer Setup and pick the PDF driver. Then when you click File, Print it will make the PDF file.Before you make the PDF file, if you want to print on a certain size of paper, then in BK press ALT+F5 on the keyboard.  It will ask for the paper size.Then when you pick File, Print, it will have the chart set for that size of paper.

Alternatively I am happy to create a chart from your data to do this you will need to export a GEDCOM file and send me a copy of your Gedcom file (or your full Brothers Keeper File) along with full instructions about who the start person for your chart is, the layout that you require and the information to include and I will then recreate your chart and print it on a single sheet.

If you would like me to print your chart in another programme such as Family Tree Maker, Generations, Tree Draw, Heredis or Genbox again send me a copy of your Gedcom file along with full instructions about who the start person for your chart is, the layout that you require and the information to include.

pdf printer selection

Send your file and full instructions to

Family Tree Printing, New House Farm, Rusper Road, Newdigate, Surrey RH5 5BX, United Kingdom

Current prices are shown on the web site at  Printing Prices if you are not sure send the file and we will confirm the price to you. 

Phone : 07873 132232 

E.Mail contact@familytreeprinting.co.uk 

Remember we offer you a prompt, efficient, good quality printing service at affordable prices and are never knowingly beaten on price. 


Copyright © 2020 Family Tree Printing.co.uk
Last modified: 19 August 2020